When people reach out for help, money guidance is often given alongside wider support. This self-development programme helps organisations or individuals to confidently talk about money with their customers and give safe, effective guidance. It's government backed, proven to work and UK wide. There are lots of ways to get involved.
In fact, it’s essential to know your boundaries when giving money guidance. That’s the best way to help your customers, while taking care of yourself too.
Watch this video, so you’re clear on the difference between money guidance and financial advice. Advice should always be left to regulated professionals.
Be part of our supportive community. You have an open invitation to join the money guidance practitioner community any time. Share challenges. Learn together. Hear from experts and more.
8 November, 09.00-17.00
Money Guiders Conference 2023
Online conference for all UK money guidance practitioners. Hear inspirational keynotes from across each of the UK nations, quiz our expert speakers, take part in interactive breakout workshops, and network with others facing similar challenges, finding solutions together.
14 November, 10.00-11.30
Understanding energy bills with Warm Wales
Online session for practitioners that support their service users with household bills. Take a deep dive into how to understand a typical energy bill, empowering you to help your service users take control of their energy costs.
17 November, 09.45-13.00
Talking Money: Asking the right questions
In-person event in Glasgow. Hear how four organisations engage with clients, maintain relationships and support service users in different settings. Learn from other people's practice, share your experience and network with other money guidance practitioners.
29 November, 11.00-12.30
BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme - Family Fund
Online session for frontline staff who support families, young people and children across the UK. Hear from Family Fund Business Services and learn how their programme supports young people and children in poverty.